Directory listing in

Michael B. Allen mballen at
Wed Dec 27 06:49:06 GMT 2000

On Tue, Dec 26, 2000 at 10:46:12PM +1000, Richard Sharpe wrote:
> Does anyone have any comments on this ...

At one time thought about this for jcifs, although we do not support it
yet, is if the path points to a file it is resolved. If the path is to
a directory(or share) do a TRANS2_FIND_FIRST2/NEXT2. If the path does
not include the share do a NetShareEnum. If only smb:// is specified
list names of servers from the master browser(or perhaps broadcast a
node status but that might be rather rude).

Also, jcifs uses the following syntax to specify a resource as a URL:


but someone suggested that a domain is different from a
workgroup? Programmatically maybe but in practice is it profitable to
differentiate the two?

This is the parsing routine. It's Java but this kind of stuff translates
fairly well into c. Just thought this might help in some way.


    int port;
    String host, domain, user, password

    SmbURL( String url, String name, int start, int limit ) {
        int s = url.indexOf( '/', start + 2 );
        if( s == -1 ) {
            s = limit;
        int a = url.lastIndexOf( '@', s ); // back from s incase @ in pw
        int p = url.lastIndexOf( ':', s );
        int h = Math.max( a + 1, start + 2 );

        if( p > h ) { 
            port = Integer.parseInt( url.substring( p + 1, s ));
        host = url.substring( h, ( p > h ? p : s )); 

        if( a != -1 ) {
            int c = url.indexOf( ':', start + 3 );
            if( c != -1 ) {
                password = url.substring( c + 1, a ); 
                a = c;
            int b = url.indexOf( '\\', start + 3 );
            if( b != -1 && b < a ) { 
                domain = url.substring( start + 2, b ); 
            } else {
                b = start + 1;
            if( a > b ) { 
                username = url.substring( b + 1, a ); 

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