warnings on compile

Michael Sweet mike at easysw.com
Fri Dec 15 18:00:39 GMT 2000

Jeremy Allison wrote:
> ...
> That's a good idea, we should look into grabbing the
> code from glibc or something and modifying it for our
> own use. Any volenteers ? :-).

Here's the code from CUPS that replaces the mkstemp() functionality
with something that is fairly portable; feel free to rip out the
Windows code... :)

 * 'cupsTempFile()' - Generate a temporary filename.

char *					/* O - Filename */
cupsTempFile(char *filename,		/* I - Pointer to buffer */
             int  len)			/* I - Size of buffer */
  int		fd;			/* File descriptor for temp file */
#ifdef WIN32
  char		tmpdir[1024];		/* Windows temporary directory */
  char		*tmpdir;		/* TMPDIR environment var */
#endif /* WIN32 */
  struct timeval curtime;		/* Current time */
  static char	buf[1024] = "";		/* Buffer if you pass in NULL and 0 */

  * See if a filename was specified...

  if (filename == NULL)
    filename = buf;
    len      = sizeof(buf);

  * See if TMPDIR is defined...

#ifdef WIN32
  GetTempPath(sizeof(tmpdir), tmpdir);
  if ((tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR")) == NULL)
    * Put root temp files in restricted temp directory...

    if (getuid() == 0)
      tmpdir = CUPS_REQUESTS "/tmp";
      tmpdir = "/var/tmp";
#endif /* WIN32 */

  * Make the temporary name using the specified directory...

    * Get the current time of day...

    gettimeofday(&curtime, NULL);

    * Format a string using the hex time values...

    snprintf(filename, len - 1, "%s/%08x%05x", tmpdir,
             curtime.tv_sec, curtime.tv_usec);

    * Open the file in "exclusive" mode, making sure that we don't
    * stomp on an existing file or someone's symlink crack...

    fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_NOFOLLOW, 0600);
    fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600);
#endif /* O_NOFOLLOW */
  while (fd < 0);

  * Close the temp file - it'll be reopened later as needed...


  * Return the temp filename...

  return (filename);

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products                  mike at easysw.com
Printing Software for UNIX                       http://www.easysw.com

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