ip address of samba.org has changed

Andrew Tridgell tridge at linuxcare.com
Mon Aug 21 08:37:34 GMT 2000

samba.org has moved and has a new IP address. You may find that some
services are inaccessible until your local name server fetches the
updated records. That should happen fairlly quickly, but please be

This affects the machines samba.org, cvs.samba.org and all email.

The machine is now located in the Linuxcare offices in Canberra,
Australia. It was located at the Australian National University. I'd
like to thank ANU for hosting samba.org for so many years, the ANU
administrators have been very tolerant of what was a large load on
their network.

Note that most of the high bandwidth services for samba.org (such as
ftp.samba.org, mirror.samba.org and the main web sites) are already
located in the US thanks to the generous provision of a machine by
SGI. We will be moving more services (such as the rest of the mailing
lists and the cvs tree) onto that machine in the near future. Tim
Potter (tpot at linuxcare.com.au) is looking after that transition, and
is now doing most of the sysadmin work for samba.org.

Cheers, Tridge

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