Win9x registry keys

Stephan Lauffer lauffer at
Thu Nov 25 08:40:28 GMT 1999

Hi all!

I administrate some samba, nt and windows9x PCs.
Many Win9x PCs connetc to samba via PPP (modem/ ISDN).
I learnd much about win9x problems... :-/

In the registry I´ve set some keys to:
1.) NodeType = 8
2.) ScopeID = ""
3.) EnableDNS = 0
4.) NameServer = ...
5.) NameServer1 = ...
6.) NameServer2 = ...

1.) Is this the type of name resolving? (lmhost, wins, broadcast?!)
2.) no plan... but sometimes it only works if i set this to ""
3.) ok, this disable the netbios name resolving over DNS. Often useful
if you would like to resolv names by the wins server
4.-6.) little bit confused. The first time I only know "Nameserver" and it was
the Wins-Server. On other machines i found NameServer1 and 2. Sometimes this keys
contains the DNS-Server, but sometimes the Wins-Server...
Maybe the clients were not correctly configurated...

Can someone tell me more about this or know an URL (maybe of M$)?!

Would be great!!!
Thanx all!

Liebe Gruesse,
Stephan Lauffer

[ Paedagogische Hochschule Freiburg - Systemtechnik - Germany   ]
[ ZIK Zentrum fuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie  ]
[ Tel.: 0761 - 682 459		        Mobil: 0172 - 7145 197  ]

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