Unix permissions, groups, etc as forced by Samba

Eric Praetzel praetzel at ece.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Nov 17 15:35:09 GMT 1999

> >Is there any way to totally disable Samba forcing / masking file permissions 
> >  and group information?
> >All I want is the owner/group/perms to default the way that they do when
> >  someone creates/edits the file as a user on the Unix box.
> If I understood what you want:
> set up all the users in a unix group, say group1

  What I need is more schizoid than that!

The permissions and group ownership must changed based upon directories
and/or files.

For example we'll have students making a real-time OS; and there may be 40
groups defined just for that.  Dito for permissions (in particular o+r) has
to be assigned in at least one directory tree in particular (publich_html)
and no others.

So any scheme which forces particular create modes or groups can't work.

I was originaly hoping that there was some way to just bypass the mask
or'ing and forcing and so I asked the question in the documentation listserv
a few weeks ago.  I only found other people who were eager for a way to
also bypass the forcing of file modes and group.

I'm betting that it is easy enough to hack the source to do what I'd like  :)


  - Eric

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