Peter Polkinghorne Peter.Polkinghorne at
Thu Nov 11 11:10:02 GMT 1999

	I suspect there was little response because there was little
motivational material (ie why is this a good thing) and also from
my point of view as someone who knows a bit about SNMP, architecture

So what would raise my enthusiasm is:

A: MIB - what does it offer?  Is it read only?

B: SNMP agent architecture - standalone with own port (as in Squid for example)
	- SMUX - old but used SNMP sub-agent architecture
	- AgentX - new but only just being implemtented arch.

C: Which version of the CMU are you using - the recent libraries?

D: Will these libraries support SNMPv3?

Although I like SNMP, it is not the only mechanism.  I currently have
some expect scripts that do SMB and NMB monitoring - but I too got no
response when mentioning this idea - admittedly there is no code available.
I hope this will change.

(My message sent 28 Sep 1999 and titled "WINS & SMB service monitoring")

But final and more general question - do people monitor their Samba services
and if so how?  Or do you wait for the users to alert you :-)

| Peter Polkinghorne, Computer Centre, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH,|
| Peter.Polkinghorne at   +44 1895 274000 x2561       UK          |

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