INTC Network Operations noc at
Mon Nov 8 02:56:14 GMT 1999


> I can see the Unix box just fine in the network neighborhood, but when I
>  try to display the available shares, I get the following error message 
> "The account is not authorized to login from this station".  I get this 
> message when I try to log in as "root", "guest", "pcguest", "lmorse".  
> "Guest" and "pcguest" are set up with no passwords, "lmorse" password 
> matches the password on my workstation (which is also lmorse).  

Have you created a machine account for the NT workstation from which you
are attempting to log in?  I can't recall the exact symptoms that happen
if you haven't, but Samba needs machine accounts for NT in addition to
user accounts.

Pardon the fuzzy memory; it's been a few months since I added an NT
machine to a Samba domain.


  __           +---------------------------+  +---------------------------+
 |_  _| _|     | Edward Brotsman Dreger     \  \   One Source...          |
 |__|_.|_.|_|  | Network & Systems Manager   \  \      ...Total Solutions |
          ._|  | Brian's Consulting Services  \  \                        |
               | INTC Internet Svcs Division  /  /      |
 316.794.8922  +-----------------------------+  +-------------------------+
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