Guidelines for releasing Samba PDC support

Gerald W. Carter cartegw at Eng.Auburn.EDU
Thu Nov 4 00:21:04 GMT 1999

Hey everyone!

...I know Jeremy is probably moaning when he readds 
the subject line about now... :-)  Maybe it will at 
least grab some attention though.

After answering the same question many times ("Is 
there an estimated ship date for Samba 2.1?"), I decided
to bring this up for some discussion.  

Here's what I'm thinking...

	The PDC support will not be released as 
	"official" until it is completed.  The problem
	is that we don't have a definition if what
	'completed' really infers.

OK.  So what goals must be met before releasing this stuff 
in the main stream and supporting it....or does nobody 
really want to end up supporting NT domains. ;)

Here are some possible goals...

  * merging of 2.1 into 2.0 (JF is working on (has complted?)

  * rewrite portions of the RPC code.  If so, which ones?

  * what about regression tests?  Do we have a list of 
    things that Samba must be able to do prior to being 
    called a PDC?  [note that everything is not a valid 
    answer here.  That's just not feasible the way NT 
    changes all the time and new things pop out]

  * What about documentation?

Is what I'm proposing reasonable?  I for one don't think we 
can sit on this forever.  The time frame we do decide to sit 
out it is ok whatever it is as long as it is not infinitely 

Food for thought,
                            Gerald ( Jerry ) Carter	
Engineering Network Services                           Auburn University 
jerry at   

       "...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
                                  - Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )

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