C++ ?

Nicolas Brodu brodu at iie.cnam.fr
Fri May 14 22:19:30 GMT 1999


I'm the author of a SMB client library in C++. It's independant from samba and
made from scratch, and its only purpose is to provide any C++ program client

Do you plan to make a C++ wrapper for samba ? I'm about making a CORBA interface
for my lib, so in this case maybe it could be possible to integrate the server &
management functions of samba in another IDL interface !


Nicolas Brodu, brodu at iie.cnam.fr
Eleve-Ingenieur 2eme annee (Institut d'Informatique d'Entreprise)
  http://www-eleves.iie.cnam.fr/brodu (smblib)
KDE developer, brodu at kde.org
  http://www.kde.org, Color outside the lines !

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