smb.conf.%U problem for NT (95 ok)

Gerald Carter cartegw at Eng.Auburn.EDU
Thu Mar 25 13:54:17 GMT 1999

Syahrul Sazli Shaharir wrote:
> Hi SMB'ers,
> Summary: smb.conf.%U doesn't work on NT clients (Win 95 OK).

Are you referring to domain logons?  Windows NT and 95 
handle things very differently.  Actually I mentioned this 
problem to Luke back in August of last year.  The issue is that 
during a domain logon, it is the machine that has the connection
and not the user.  If I remember correctly, this is the case up 
to the mounting of the user's home directory.  That is why you 
see the %U being expanded to nobody.  I'm guesing what you 
want to do is to use the include and %U to set things passed 
by back in the USER_INFO_21 struct (is that the right one?)
during logon.

                            Gerald ( Jerry ) Carter	
Engineering Network Services                           Auburn University 
jerry at   

       "...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
                                  - Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )

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