nmbd & netbios name -> many addreses

Peter Polkinghorne Peter.Polkinghorne at brunel.ac.uk
Fri Mar 19 15:16:08 GMT 1999

> it may be that the re-installatipn meant that you have a host with a
> different configuration.  try installing NISgina again and see if it fails
> as a  directresult.

I will as part of our problem resolution make changes - so as to go to sp3
(I am not sure if we have rolled out sp4 yet - I am aware of the Y2K
implications) and test, then add our customisations - NISgina in particular.

However I doubt it was this particular machine, because we had general reports
of problems which led to this investigation.

This info will probably appear next week - as I have other fish to fry - new
version of Squid to build, test and deploy - all this open source software is
great but can be hard work keeping up at times!

| Peter Polkinghorne, Computer Centre, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH,|
| Peter.Polkinghorne at brunel.ac.uk   +44 1895 274000 x2561       UK          |

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