Christopher R. Hertel crh at nts.umn.edu
Wed Mar 17 18:56:11 GMT 1999

> At the risk of being a bit object-oriented, it seems to me that
> maintaining a context, an "object" if you like, for each virtual
> share makes things a lot more manageable.

This is perfectly do-able in C.  You just have to work it by hand, that's
all.  That's how the junk in the ubiqx subdir is done.  For example, in
the binary tree modules you pass a pointer to a comparison function into
the init function.  That pointer is kept with the tree, and is used as the
comparison "method" for the tree (which keeps the tree in order). 

My 2cents.

Chris -)-----

Christopher R. Hertel -)-----                   University of Minnesota
crh at nts.umn.edu              Networking and Telecommunications Services

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