smbpasswd and 32 X's

Richard Sharpe sharpe at
Tue Mar 16 01:18:40 GMT 1999


acting on information supplied by a Canadian guy who has been messing with
Samba and Win NT, I entered the following command at a Linux console :-)

grep XXX /etc/smbpasswd | head -1 | cut -f3 -d: | wc

and received the following:

	1	1	33

Same happens if I look for -f4 in the cut above.

The documentation says something about it being super critical that there
be *exactly* 32 X's. 

So, just how important is this?

Richard Sharpe, sharpe at, NIC-Handle:RJS96
NS Computer Software and Services P/L, 
Ph: +61-8-8281-0063, FAX: +61-8-8250-2080, 
Samba (Team member), Linux, Apache, Digital UNIX, AIX, C, ...

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