AW: nmbd & netbios name -> many addreses

Martin Kuhne mkuhne at
Fri Mar 12 12:43:58 GMT 1999

Can I have a netmon trace of the NT box not connecting to a multihomed
(Sorry, I don't have the start of this thread)


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Andrew Tridgell [mailto:tridge at]
Gesendet am: Freitag, 12. März 1999 13:32
An: Multiple recipients of list
Betreff: Re: nmbd & netbios name -> many addreses

> That's not the behavior that Peter described.  He does an nbtstat name
> query from a Windows NT box to a Samba NBNS and gets a list of IPs.  The
> list may be sorted, but the Windows box cannot connect to the named share
> because it is not able to resolve the name to single IP.
> At least, that's what seems to be happening.

I know, and I don't have an explanation for Peter's problem. I was
merely commenting that (like VisionFS) we sort the IPs by number of
common leading bits.

For Peter's problem what needs to be done is to setup a multi-homed NT
client and a NT WINS server (which can be single-homed) then to see if
the problem still happens. If it doesn't then you need to stare very
carefully at Samba vs NT WINS traces and see what's different. We
(ie. Jeremy!) tried to make it behave the same, but we may have missed
a bit :)

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