Do not use stock RedHat 6.0 kernels with SMBFS!

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at
Thu Jun 10 16:21:15 GMT 1999

richard sharpe's smblib also needs an update / merge with clientgen.

On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Andrew Tridgell wrote:

> What really needs to be done is to rework the smbfs code to use the
> new clientgen SMB client library from Samba 2.0. The smbfs code is
> based on a very old version of smbclient and has all sorts of problems
> as a result. The new clientgen code auto-detects these sorts of server
> bugs and does the right thing. That's why the new smbclient works
> reliably with both Win95 and WinNT servers (if it doesn't then let me
> know, I spent quite a lot of time testing to make sure it does but I
> may have missed a case).
> After I start work for LinuxCare in September then maybe I could look
> at re-doing smbfs in terms of the clientgen code, but I certainly
> won't have time to do it until then. Too many exams/assignments to
> mark and 4 conferences to write papers for.
> Meanwhile, I think a quick fix would be to:
> - use info level 260 for all servers that have protocol level >= NT1
>   (that includes NT, W95 and Samba). 
> - use info level 1 for other servers
> - add the code from cliengen.c that checks for a a failed
>   TRANS2_FIND_* call and retries after a 200ms sleep (with a max loop
>   count). That's needed for W95 servers as they sometimes fail to
>   respond to the first request.
> The two routines that need changing are both in smbfs/proc.c and are
> smb_proc_readdir_long() and smb_decode_long_dirent(). They need to be
> hacked to behave move like the cli_list() and
> interpret_long_filename() routines from clientgen.c in Samba 2.0.
> With those changes we wouldn't need that flag at all.
> Cheers, Tridge

<a href="mailto:lkcl at"   > Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton  </a>
<a href=""> Samba and Network Development </a>
<a href=""        > Samba Web site                </a>

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton        |  Direct Dial   : (678) 443-6183
Systems Engineer / ISS XForce Team  |  ISS Front Desk: (678) 443-6000
Internet Security Systems, Inc.     |  ISS Fax       : (678) 443-6477    *Adaptive Network Security for the Enterprise*
     ISS Connect   -   International User Conference   -  May '99

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