The SND/RCV LO/HI WAT options

Majid Tajamolian majid at
Mon Jun 7 14:24:54 GMT 1999

Dear David:

On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, David Collier-Brown wrote:

> Majid Tajamolian wrote:
> >
> > Dear LIST:
> > I'm working on SAMBA performance enhancement. Can anyone guide me for a
> > reference about the 4 WATer mark socket options and their effects on
> > TCP/IP performance?
> > Have anyone any experiments about using them in the SAMBA code?
> 	A colleague has been experimenting with them in a non-samba
> 	context, and we've been looking at their behavior quantiatively:
> 	Alas, I'm not doing the experiments myself...
> 	What would you like to know?
It seems that anything about them can be useful (i.e. their meaning, how
they change the TCP behavior, what is relation between them and the other
configurations such as SNDBUF, RCVBUF, TCP_MAXSEG, ...).
If you don't know about them, can you help me to find some information in
the internet?

-- The best,
   M. Tajamolian
   Jun 7

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