Missing option

Andy Bakun abakun at reac.com
Wed Jun 2 15:22:12 GMT 1999

> Can you tell me, is it possible to create such log-files like xferlog? If
> yes, how? I did not found anything in the whole documentation.
> If this is not possible, you (or someone else) should implement such a
> feature. I think it would be very important to be able to track the
> user-accesses.

Some stuff isn't implemented yet, because I don't have a direct need for those
things that are not implemented, and there has been little outside interest in
getting those features implemented.  The main things that are not implemented
are auditing of each read and write operation and file permission issues.

> Another feature you may implement in future versions:
> The smb.conf file should give better control of how to access files and
> subdirectories of a share, in the style of apache config-files. Even the
> ProFTP-Daemon does this, and it is possible for example to deny writing in
> one directory and deny reading in another or faking to other uids in another
> dir. Because these ***-Windoze-stations are not able to handle
> unix-user-rights.

I did this by creating UNIX groups, which is safer anyway, because the
permissions file doesn't live in the directory it is protecting.


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