Some help with broadcasts through a Linux system

Tony Hoyle tmh at
Wed Feb 3 19:17:59 GMT 1999

Dan Kaminsky wrote:
> >If you want to forward your netbios datagram broadcasts you have to do
> >more than just forwarding because the data contains ip-addresses too.
> >
> >I've solved this problem by writing a patch for Samba which 'glues'
> >the subnets of my linux firewall together. You can find the code
> >at . The code is not
> >up-to-date with the latest Samba because I'm abroad, but that's an
> >exercise for the reader ;)
> Ooh!  Ooh!  If I was a dog, i'd be wagging my tail and thumping it against
> the ground.  Oh joyous day!

Don't jump too much it only patches against 2.2.0beta4...



If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed... 
.... Oh, wait a minute, he already does. 
tmh at

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