source code documentation

Ryan Russell Ryan.Russell at
Thu Dec 16 02:25:47 GMT 1999

>Curious: Doesn't the GPL prevent anyone from taking your code, or any
>section of your code, proprietary?

They can't use the same code, but if it's well documented it certainly
makes it easier for them to write their own version.  (I'm not agreeing
or disagreeing, just explaining.)

With this project in particular, it looks to me like the code itself isn't
complicated, but there's an awful lot of R&D behind it.

FWIW, I can't imagine that commercial SMB clients for non-Windows
platforms will be viable for long, if they are now.  I don't think Luke
has any reason to resent commercial SMB client developers...
he's going to help kill them. :)

Doesn't help with the no money thing, though.  For that, you're going to
have to form, IPO, and become a billionaire. :)


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