Win 95 login very slow
Richard Sharpe
sharpe at
Tue Apr 6 14:09:13 GMT 1999
has anyone seen this problem before:
Win 95 (4.0.950) network login is very slow. Takes 10 minutes. The
netlogon.bat has about 6 statements in it. most of them use xcopy to copy
files that have changed up to the server.
However, zero or very few files are copied.
If I look at the network traffic, what I see is the server responds very
quickly, but the next operation from the client is not issued for half a
second. It looks like Win95 is out to lunch for half a second between each
network operation.
The ethernet card is known to be good. I placed it in another system.
Richard Sharpe, sharpe at, NIC-Handle:RJS96
NS Computer Software and Services P/L,
Ph: +61-8-8281-0063, FAX: +61-8-8250-2080,
Samba (Team member), Linux, Apache, Digital UNIX, AIX, C, ...
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