Print Queue displays
Allen Reese
allen at
Mon Apr 5 17:56:17 GMT 1999
IPP is awesome. Yes it supports the number of pages, and all sorts of
other cool things. Like automatic printer failover, LPR support. etc.
Netware should be support ign IPP soon, windows sounds like it will also.
Hopefully some decent OS IPP clients/servers will be developed. ;)
Allen Reese
Senior Software Engineer
Driversoft, Inc.
allen at
On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Jean Francois Micouleau wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Benjamin Kuit wrote:
> > Currently samba doesn't support displaying the number of pages to
> > be printed when showing the print queue.
> It could but that would be an over-complex job. Samba only reformats the
> output of lpq to something that a Windows client can display.
> If you lp daemon can handle a per job page count (either internally or by
> an option to lpr) then Samba could retrieve it. I think it's something
> that will be handle by the future IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) that
> will be included in LPRng 4.x and in NT2000
> > I was going to try and do this myself, and added a field (int pages)
> > to the print_queue_struct structure ( include/smb.h ), and writing a
> > custom print queue parser ( selected by 'printing = custom' in
> > smb.conf ), but I dont know how to add the extra information to the
> > returning packet ( somewhere in smbd/ipc.c:fill_printjob_info ? ).
> complex and only valid for job submitted by samba.
> > Just thought it would be relativily easy to do, since most NT print
> > drivers convert their print jobs to postscript, its easy to work out
> > the number of pages to be printed, by counting the number of times
> > 'showpage' is called in the postscript document.
> On NT each pages are separated by a startpage/endpage call whatever the
> driver is.
> Jean Francois
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