Time to do some work on smbclient and smbtar

Matt Chapman m.chapman at student.unsw.edu.au
Sun Nov 15 04:00:11 GMT 1998

Richard Sharpe wrote:

> One of the bug reports I have seen suggests that both NT4sp3 and Win95
> object to changing the time on a file (my own experience is that Win95
> sends back an error response to the SMB to set the attributes, but does
> indeed change the time :-).

My experience is that NT will refuse to change a file time to something
unreasonable (probably a change of more than +/- 50 years or something like

The clientgen stuff currently doesn't work properly wrt NT filetimes (cli_getatr
returns a ridiculous time and then cli_setatr seems to set it to something
different again), so if you are testing with that then this could explain NT's
reluctance to change these times.

Dates & times are generally a mess across Windows platforms and any fix will
probably involve writing client-specific code.

Good luck.


Matt Chapman
E-mail: mattyc at cyberdude.com

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