?: RegConnectRegistry for UNIX

Stephen Langasek vorlon at netexpress.net
Sun Nov 8 18:13:00 GMT 1998

On Thu, 5 Nov 1998, Rich Pettit wrote:

> Has anyone implemented the registry access functions on Unix?
> These include but are not limited to

> 	RegConnectRegistry
> 	RegQueryValueEx
> 	RegOpenKeyEx
> 	RegCloseKey

> I'll take tips, pointers, how-tos, whatever.  Any help is appreciated.

It might be worth your while (or the while of anyone who ends up doing
this) to compare notes with the Wine team (comp.emulators.ms-windows.wine,
http://www.winehq.com).  I know that they've done some work on registry
access, but am not sure how complete it is.

-Steve Lancasek

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