clitar.c bugs

Richard Sharpe admin at
Wed May 13 23:02:34 GMT 1998

Hi folks,

I have tracked down and fixed some bugs with long file names in clitar.c.

They had to do with headers being skipped during restore. The problem was that a long file name might start at the end of tarbuf and wrap around to the beginning of tarbuf. I now handle long file names a block at a time.

The fix spawned a problem where names got extra chars added in the middle. This is a problem with unfixtarname which needs to know whether or not it is at the beginning of a name or in the middle, as it should only remove a . or a \ from the front of the name. 

These fixes and the ones posted a few days ago will all go into the source tree soon.

Along the way I have tripped over a long file name problem in samba. SetAtr calls do not like names longer than about 1023 bytes :-)

Richard Sharpe, sharpe at, NIC-Handle:RJS96
NS Computer Software and Services P/L, 
Ph: +61-8-8281-0063, FAX: +61-8-8250-2080, 
Samba, Linux, Apache, Digital UNIX, AIX, Netscape, Stronghold, C, ...

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