listing of daemons running on a unix server

Sol Gongola sol at
Thu Dec 10 17:55:21 GMT 1998

I think you want the following info:

The samba tasks are called nmbd and smbd

you can make a script to issue a ps command piped 
to grep for these. that gets you their task numbers
i.e. ps ax | grep mbd > listofsambanames

then retrieve the tasks numbers and issuing the kill

Is not esthetic but it is doable

>is there a way to obtain a list of daemons running?  is there a method for
>starting / stopping them?
>on slackware, for example, /etc/rc.d/pcmcia.d has "start|stop|restart"
>which isn't particularly good.  on redhat there is a directory where every
>script in it has "start|stop|restart".
>what i really wanted was something under program control (c code),
>although scripts would do.  and yet another smb.conf option listing where
>a file is that contains the scripts.
>why i am asking is because i have "service control manager" running on the
>latest version of samba, and i wanted to start / stop / restart httpd,
>imapd, syslogd etc etc.

Sol Gongola           (sol at
ADL Data Systems Inc
20 livingstone ave
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522

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