1.9.18p10 and Encrypted PWs

Joe Geiser jgeiser at CSILLC.com
Thu Dec 3 11:46:40 GMT 1998

I know that everyone's working on 2.x, but since the HP3000/MPEiX version is
a late entrant - we're stabilizing 1.9.18p10 first.  We are extremely close,
were ready to release until this little nit came up in final testing.

(This may be a question where the answer is staring me in the face, but
given that I've looked at it for so long, it might not be very clear, so
forgive me if this sounds like something so simple, a college freshman could
have seen it, OK?)

18p10 was supposed to support the encrypted passwords introduced with
9x/OEMSR2 and NT 4/SP2.  We are finding that after our port for MPE/iX,
everything tries to log on as guest.

Usernames are being looked up in user.map -- everything seems to be going
"through the motions" - however the symtoms seem to be:

1.  a module we added (and gets compiled in) called mpeix.c which performs
MPE authentication and pulls MPE-specific passwords, is indeed getting
invoked and pulling correct MPE passwords.

2.  The authentication routines with Samba do not seem to be recognizing the
passwords we pulled, even though they should be.

ie:  A netbios computername of "jgeiser" (me) maps to an MPE username of
"manager.sys" in the user.map file.  This is pulled successfully.  In
mpeix.c - the password for manager.sys is pulled successfully, which is for
the sake of argument (and not real passwords here) - "speed,boat".  Note
that because MPE/iX uses a "User.Account" structure ("manager" is the
username and "sys" is the account --- "speed" is the user password and
"boat" is the account password --- but HP has engineered the use of the
comma separator to concatenate the passwords, and uses it in FTP/iX and so

Anyway - if someone can point me as to where the authentication is taking
place (I thought I had it pinned down in server.c, but I guess I was wrong)
- I'd be most appreciative.  This is the last major nit before we put it out
to the HP masses, and would like to swat this one down ASAP.  

TIA for any assistance that can be rendered.  (I probably should have come
here first, but I can be a stubborn SOB sometimes.  Probably not a good
thing in this instance).

Best Regards,

Joe Geiser, Senior Partner, CSI Business Solutions, LLC
 ** Your Client-Server and Internetworking Specialists **
Phone: +1 (215) 945.8100  Fax: +1 (215) 943.8408 
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