dynamic dns server for unix wanted

Samba Bugs samba at aquasoft.com.au
Tue Apr 21 21:02:23 GMT 1998

On Wed, 22 Apr 1998, Bryan "SMASH" Manternach wrote:

> Sbragion Denis wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > At 17.48 21/04/98 +1000, you wrote:
> > >does anyone know where i can get GPL source for a dynamic dns server from?
> > >does such a beast exist?
> >
> > I looked for it over the Internet no more than 1 month ago without any
> > success. I think (hoping to be wrong) that there's no such thing for Unix,
> > at least if you're loocking for a freeware package.
> >
> > Hope it helps.
> >
> I was under the impression that BIND 8.x could be updated on
> the fly, and that it could be set up to respond to discovery
> messages from outside sources like other BIND 8.x servers,
> and with some creative programming, or perl scripting, you
> could make it talk to things like DHCP servers in order to
> get host mappings to be automated in DNS.  (Kind of like the
> automatic DNS updates in an all NT enviornment with DHCP)

Where do folks get the impression that M$ NT DHCP does the dynamic DNS
updates? I have NEVER seen this. Unless my obviously imparied logic and
observations are ratted M$ pseudo-thingy Dynamic (looks like) DNS is no
more than an artifact since the M$ DNS CAN do a M$ WINS lookup to resolve
a hostname. Again, unless I have the "tail by the bull" this means that
those sites that refuse to run M$ WINS will NEVER have M$ Dynamic DNS.

What we want is a Dynamic DNS that gets updated by DHCP. Right?
If anyone can explain how M$ DHCP does it's DNS updates I really NEED to
know this!!!!!!!! Got the picture?

Meanwhile, If you really love your granny, and you need a smarter than
dratts DNS take a close look at BIND 8.1.x. An ISP I have done some work
for found 8.x loads the 1890 DNS entries now load in 5 minutes instead od
35 minutes. Has anyone looked at the Dynamic??? update capabilities (or
otherwise) of BIND 8.1.x?

> I'm not sure how this could be applied to SAMBA
> though...

John H Terpstra - Samba-Team

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