Major new ubiqx release

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at
Mon Apr 20 23:28:34 GMT 1998

> Okay, here we have a *BIG* question.  Do we (Samba team & assoc. 
> developers) commit to LDAP as our internal database access scheme (for
> config, WINS, passwords, etc.), or do we consider a lower level system and
> put LDAP on top of it?  BIG issue!

>   * do we require that there be an LDAP server available with which to 
>     communicate?

give people the option to use an LDAP server, then they will have to have
one somewhere.

>   * do we write our own LDAP service attached to Samba (code is available)
>     and, if so, will it conflict with another LDAP service on the same 
>     machine?

only if we have time should we provide an LDAP server.  like with swat, it
can be run instead of an existing http server.

>   * do we avoid all of these problems and write something else which can, 
>     if desired, talk to an LDAP server?

there's some client-side code which we can drop in (isn't there?) so
that's solved, and that's a different issue from server-side (suggestions

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