Max open files....

David Collier-Brown david.collier-brown at Canada.Sun.COM
Mon Apr 20 18:41:57 GMT 1998

 Jeremy Allison wrote:
| Well I don't want to do file idling (it ends all hope
| of oplock synchronization between Samba and nfs) and
| Andrew does :-). That's the issue really :-) :-). We
| need to make a decision one way or another as to whether
| it's a good idea or not.

	Perhaps the existance of locks is a disqualification
	for being idled?
	And a qualifiaction for ``send a no-op'' if you ever find
	a file which is both idle and still locked!  Such should
	be (one possible) symptom of a dead client.

David Collier-Brown,  | Always do right. This will gratify some people
185 Ellerslie Ave.,   | and astonish the rest.        -- Mark Twain
Willowdale, Ontario   | davecb at,
M2N 1Y3. 416-223-8968 |

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