Regex, clitar.c and Autoconf

Richard Sharpe sharpe at
Sun Apr 19 11:46:22 GMT 1998


I am modifying clitar.c to use the following approach with respect to
regex.h and friends:

If CLITAR_USE_REGEX is defined, then the code will use regcomp and regexec
for doing regular expression matches, otherwise mask_match will be used.

CLITAR_USE_REGEX will be off by default.

This brings up a issue with respect to autoconf.

We need a way of specifying the names of defines that autoconf will set
based on what it finds in the OS. Perhaps the person/people doing the
autoconf work should be the keeper of these names and should specify the
naming convention.

Perhaps the define above is wrong, and should simply be HAS_REGEX.

Richard Sharpe, sharpe at, NIC-Handle:RJS96
NS Computer Software and Services P/L, 
Ph: +61-8-8281-0063, FAX: +61-8-8250-2080, 
Linux, AIX, Digital UNIX, ULTRIX, SunOS, Samba, Apache, NetScape, ICSS,
Perl, C, C++ ...

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