Max open files....

Jean-Francois Micouleau Jean-Francois.Micouleau at
Sat Apr 18 17:42:57 GMT 1998

On Sun, 19 Apr 1998, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:

> hm... how about a default MAX_OPEN_FILES on a per-system basis, then?
> is it acceptable for autoconf to try to work this out: crashing the UNIX
> box, dealing with the subsequent reboot and recovery etc :-)

I'm sure autoconf can find the maximum number of file descriptors a
process can open.

If you want the C code to do the check, just ask.

	Jean Francois

: Jean Francois Micouleau       : Email: jfm at       :
: Universite de                 : Tel  : 03 44 23 47 78   :
: Technologie de                :  Service Informatique   :
: Compiegne              France :     Division IRNM       :

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