configuration, ldap and NetInfo

Andrew Tridgell tridge at
Fri Apr 17 12:50:05 GMT 1998

> But how do we parse lists with strings containing spaces?
>   e.g. hide files = .NeXT .my defs .DESKTOP
> where .my defs is a folder? (Yes, people who use GUIs do assign names with spaces!)

yep, that's why next_token() in Samba handles quoted
string. next_token() is Samba's internal strtok() style parser. I
think you'll find that putting " quotes around lists works in most
places in Samba (it should work in all places, but I bet we missed

> You could argue to use a list separator, but, as I said, this gets messy.
> Right now, samba will accept several different separators, but not all on
> all occasions.

well, it should be fairly consistent, as it should always be using the
same next_token() routine. If it isn't then its a bug and we can fix
it :-}

still, adding a P_SLIST type would probably be cleaner.

Cheers, Andrew

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