Sidebar re autoconf

David Collier-Brown david.collier-brown at Canada.Sun.COM
Mon Apr 13 14:16:59 GMT 1998

|   I recommend 
|   	a) collecting the variables
|   	b) seperating out the portability ones
|   		i) turning them into characterizations of missing
|   			fratures
|   		ii) grouping them by OS, as above.
|   	c) doing the same with the add-a-feature variables
|   	   (should those not move to local.h, and SHMEM_SIZE
|   	   move back???)

	Hmmn: I've just dome a quick pass over the Makefile,
	and it looks like something I might finish in my Copious
	Spare Time.
	If I do, how can we arrange to regression-test it?
	Murphy says that if we don't I'll have a typo in the
	very first line (:-))
David Collier-Brown,  | Always do right. This will gratify some people
185 Ellerslie Ave.,   | and astonish the rest.        -- Mark Twain
Willowdale, Ontario   | davecb at,
M2N 1Y3. 416-223-8968 |

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