Samba and NetInfo and NIS and LDAP and ... (fwd)

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at
Tue Apr 7 16:30:53 GMT 1998

On Wed, 8 Apr 1998, Gerald W. Carter wrote:

> Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> > 
> > how about \\server\profiles, which _is_ needed.  i'm trying to
> > encourage people to move away from \\server\homes\profile and to move
> > to \\server\profiles\%U because of the substitution problems that occur
> > with the [homes] share: the stupid microsoft clients maintain the
> > connection to [homes] in a background process...
> > 
> Only if they have a separate share for the profiles though.  Help me out
> on this one.  The smb.conf man pages indicate that the default value for
> the logon path is OK.

i thought i'd changed the default to \\%N\profiles\%U.  looking at the
source, i obviously haven't.

>  Is the correct?  If so then you can still store
> the profile in the \\server\<username> ( just not \\server\homes )

no, \\server\username is even worse: until the user actually logs in, this
share doesn't exist.  because NT can connect to a machine and "browse" it
under the IPC$ share before the [homes] service has been created, or even
worse, if the [homes] service has been mapped to the guest account
(because the initial connection was to IPC$)...

you get the picture...

anyway: it's all a horrible mess that needs sorting out.
> Default:
>         logon path = \\\\%N\\%U\\profile

oops, i don't recommend this.

ouch.  my tendons are hurting again.  time to stop typing.

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