smbclient and tar changes

Richard Sharpe sharpe at
Thu Apr 2 23:50:34 GMT 1998


well, I have uncovered a bug or two in my changes, so I have more work to
do. I forgot about Longlink files falling at the end of the buffer of
records that had been read in. At the moment I have kludged it up, but I
need a proper fix, which will require a little restructure of the code,
perhaps to be a little more like gnutar.

I have also changed the way that directories are created so that if you are
restoring to a different share, the directory path is created from the
ground up. At present, clitar objects if the top of the tree does not exist.

I have also noticed that file creation times do not seem to be restored.
clitar puts a creation time in the CREAT SMB, but I wonder if this is being
ignored. It also uses dostime3 or some such. Can anyone comment?

I am updating the man page on smbclient as well to point out some of the
things that are already possible with smbclient and the things that will be
possible when I finish.

Finally, does anyone have any suggestions re further fixes they might like
to see in clitar.c

Richard Sharpe, sharpe at, NIC-Handle:RJS96
NS Computer Software and Services P/L, 
Ph: +61-8-8281-0063, FAX: +61-8-8250-2080, 
Linux, AIX, Digital UNIX, ULTRIX, SunOS, Samba, Apache, NetScape, ICSS,
Perl, C, C++ ...

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