Getting machines passwords on a PDC

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at
Wed Apr 1 20:18:42 GMT 1998

> I'm thinking replacing a )&$* NT4 PDC machine managing 40 workstations by
> a samba server. Before starting I took a look in the registry to find the
> domain SID (found) and the workstations passwords (not found)
> The domain SID alone is not useful without the wks passwords.
> If any of you have a solution, it can be added in the faq.


first, look for the SAM area of the registry.  then, add
"read/write/change" permission for Administrator for all keys/subkeys of
this entry.

_then_ look for the workstations: you will find them listed in RID order,
along with the users.


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