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From:   Michael Rasumoff <info at>
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Subject: Domain Group Map
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Hi, and sorry if this is a redundant question. But I have read the NT-Dom faq, the archives the text files, the docs etc.. and even went and bought the Samba in 24 hours book; yet im still confused.

I've been able to setup Samba as my PDC using the encrypted passwords etc. Everything works perfectly. The problem I am facing is the Domain Admins grouping. I have tried adding it in different places in the smb.conf files but they all return invalid parameter.

I've installed versions 2.0.0, 2.0.3. 2.0.3b, and am now running 2.0.5a. I tried using cvs to download the source and compile it but I still got the same results. I have seen in many places you mention this is in the development code only and the FAQ tells you were to find it. But in truth the FAQ doesn't tell you exactly where to find it. Also in the book there is no mention of needing a special version. 

Can you please tell me exactly what I need to do to enable these Domain Admin groups?

Thank you very much,

Michael Rasumoff

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