WinXP - RequireSignOrSeal question

Dan Perik dan_perik-work at
Mon Nov 26 02:27:12 GMT 2001


As the administrator of a few networks in different places, and some of
them successfully using Samba as PDC's, I am thankful that none of the
clients in my domain(s) are WinXP (yet).  But I'm sure someday there
will be WinXP clients.  And when that day comes, I know I'll have to use
that RequireSignOrSeal registry hack.  Since some of the domains I
oversee have been setup by me, but are sort of administered (due to
location) by... well, clueless people, using the registry hack will be a
bit kludgy and difficult for some.  I'm wondering what WinXP uses or
does that Samba doesn't support yet.  And when will Samba support it so
that we don't have to use the registry hack?  

Thanks for all the good work on making Samba the incredible software it

- Dan Perik 

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