example [add|delete] share command

Ulf Bartelt ulf at twc.de
Mon May 7 07:30:44 GMT 2001

Gerald Carter wrote:
> FYI...


> I just checked in a perl script that is a rought example of an
> 'add|delete share command'.  See examples/misc/modify_smb_conf.pl.
> Hint: it parses smb.conf into a hash of hashes and so could easily be made
> into a 'add|delete printer command' :-)
> Enjoy.

I kicked all but some global settings out of smb.conf and put each share
definition in an own file in /etc/smb.conf.d.

The last line of my smb.conf is to include /etc/smb.conf.d/INCLUDES.

This file is a list of include statements for each file matching *.smb
in /etc/smb.conf.d and there is a command "update-samba-shares" to
(re)generate INCLUDES.

So whenever I install a package defining an own share, it contains only
the small *.smb file and it will call update-samba-shares afterwards in
some postinstall functionality...


... needed it someday and I had too less time to think about complicated
conf file parsing. Especially adding/killing a share upon package
installation/removal had be solved...
... do not use webmin, swat or other tools that might get confused by
include statements because I'm kinda prehistoric and prefer simple

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