Profiles not synced back

Jonathan Brown jbrown at
Sun Feb 4 20:07:04 GMT 2001

Make sure your workstation time is syncronized with the server. If the time is off, this could possibly cause this.

>>> Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> 02/04/01 11:01AM >>>

Logging in on my NT domain works fine, profiles are correctly loaded.

On login, Windows NT (4 SP3) copies the files from \\hydra\profiles\%U\* (
Desktop, Start Menu, etc) to C:\WINNT\Profiles\%U\* (Desktop, Start Menu, etc).

The only problem I am having is that Windows doesn't put the changes made to 
the local files back later.

It seems ntuser.dat is not written back either. 

What could've caused this? Maybe I should provide my smb.conf?

Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
[2:07] Decoding of Rage Against The Machine - People Of The Sun.mp3 finished.
Host: charis.vernstok, an i686 running Linux 2.2.12-20
  4:58pm  up  7:03,  6 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.11, 0.09
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