Samba-TNG 2.6!

vincent vincent at
Thu Oct 5 10:39:26 GMT 2000

Hello guys!

I have deleted my old users and machine-accounts on the samba-pdc. Then
i have created new users and machine accounts as basic users on my linux
machine. Then i have created new
accounts with samedit: /opt/samba-tng/bin/samedit -S. -U root -W SAMBA2
                       createuser speedy -p gonzales
So the new user was presented in the smbpasswd-file.
Don´t forget to create a user as the machine-account (name of the
machine with $ at the end)for the smbpasswd.
So i can login on my new domain SAMBA2 with the user speedy and the
password gonzales!

Is it now possible to create a new user on the win nt server and gives
this new user the
rights with the win nt server-machine?
Can i change the rights from my user speedy with my win nt server

Please give me an answer!



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