duplicated usernames, unknown account in NT "permissions" dialog (2.0.7)

Rafał Szcześniak rszczesniak at mis.com.pl
Thu Nov 9 12:31:31 GMT 2000

ps2: Off-topic: Why got I a "Prohibited gate subscription" subjected
message from Mail.Delivery.System at f30.n451.z2.fidonet.org each time I
to samba-ntdom?

so do I. Also don't understand why this occurs.


dobos_s at IBCnet.hu
Wysłane przez: samba-ntdom-admin at us5.samba.org
00-11-08 15:42

        Do:     samba-technical at us5.samba.org, samba-ntdom at us5.samba.org
        Temat:  duplicated usernames, unknown account in NT "permissions"
dialog (2.0.7)

There was no valuable reactions from list, so I repeat.

Enviroment: linux 2.2.17, samba 2.0.7 pdc, NTws4sp5.

In NT permissions dialog I see duplicated (tripled) usernames, when I
choose one of them (no meaning which one) and give it some rights and open
the dialog again I dont see the given user, but there is a new line:
XYZDOMAIN\Account unknown.

The situation dont changes If I stop and start samba again, or if I
the ntws.

This is the problem. Somebody will help me?

ps1: Is there a samba version which is as stable as 207, but has more
functionality? (e.g. a cvs tarball?)

ps2: Off-topic: Why got I a "Prohibited gate subscription" subjected
message from Mail.Delivery.System at f30.n451.z2.fidonet.org each time I
to samba-ntdom?
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