Login to domain still failing ...

Matthew Geddes mgeddes at xavier.sa.edu.au
Thu Mar 9 03:49:01 GMT 2000

Karl Denninger wrote:
> Yep.  Its still broken.
> Connecting to shares that have no password works.
> Luke appears to have narrowed it down to something in lsarpcd, but for the
> life of me I can't make headway on this one.  No core dumps, but also no
> communication (although it *does* start up when a request is made to it).
> --

My lsarpcd seems to be running fine. samrd keeps the LSA_LOOKUPNAMES
thing and dies in the end (I'm following Luke's destructions from the
E-Mail titled, Samba-tng-alpha-0.11.tar.gz). netlogond, on the other
hand really isn't happy and keeps 'INTERNAL ERROR'ing but I can't find
and core. Does anyone have any tech stuff on the login sequence? Of
ideas for where I can start to help?


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