Samba TNG start and stop script

Jason Holland jphollan at
Mon Mar 6 22:59:42 GMT 2000

Without a doubt, the Samba distribution does contain a sample rc start/stop
script.  look for


It can quickly be modified for any platform.  However, your script is
greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


]- Someone out there was looking for a start/stop script for samba.  I have
]- often wondered why samba distribution didn't contain one.  Many a time I
]- have found myself writting this same script.  Again the other day when I
]- started playing around with samba-tng, I found myself writting the darn
]- thing.  It wasn't so bad to start stop samba by hand when there was only
]- two deamons, but now there seems to be a few more.  I am just too lazy
]- for that.
]- Sooo,  here is my feeble addition to the great wave that is
]- affectionately reffered to as SAMBA.
]- ---
]- #!/sbin/sh
]- #
]- #
]- #  File    :  samba
]- #  Purpose :  Start/Stop script for Samba TNG
]- #
]- #
]- #
]- #  Modification History:
]- #
]- #  DATE           NAME                     COMMENTS
]- #  ------------   -----------------------
]- ----------------------------------------------
]- #  2000-02-25     C. Roberts               Created.
]- #  2000-03-03     C. Roberts               modifed to Handel Multiple
]- damons
]- #
]- #
]- -----------------------------------------------------------------
]- ---------------------
]- ROOTPATH=/opt/samba-tng
]- LOCKPATH=${ROOTPATH}/var/locks
]- SMB_CMDS="smbd nmbd browserd lsarpcd netlogond samrd spoolssd srvsvcd
]- svcctld winregd wkssvcd"
]- # Make sure that our ROOTPATH is valid
]- [ ! -d ${ROOTPATH} ] && exit 1
]- case "$1" in
]- 'start')
]-         if [ -f ${LIBPATH}/smb.conf ]; then
]-            # Start all the required deamons
]-            echo Starting Samba Background Daemons
]-            for CMD in ${SMB_CMDS} ; do
]-              if [ -f ${BINPATH}/${CMD} ]; then
]- #               echo "${CMD}"
]-                ${BINPATH}/${CMD}  -D
]-              fi
]-            done
]-         fi
]-         ;;
]- 'stop')
]- #
]- #
]- #  Should probably be using smbstatus -p  but it doesn't seem to be
]- working in the TNG branch
]- #
]-         echo Stopping Samba Background Daemons
]-         for CMD in ${SMB_CMDS} ; do
]-           PIDFILE=${LOCKPATH}/${CMD}.pid
]-           if [ -f ${PIDFILE} ]; then
]- #             echo "${CMD}"
]-              killpid=`/usr/bin/cat ${PIDFILE}`
]-              [ "$killpid" -gt 0 ] && kill -15 $killpid
]-           fi
]-         done
]-         ;;
]- *)
]-         echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop }"
]-         exit 1
]-         ;;
]- esac
]- exit 0
]- #
]- #
]- ----

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