samba-2.1 does not work

Andrea Zolnhofer & Michael Ott ZolnOtt at
Sun Jun 18 09:01:13 GMT 2000


I have a problem!

On my server (SuSE Linux 6.4) i work with samba-2.0.7. It works great.

Now, I want test the TNG-2.1-version. It does not work. I have maked configure
and make and make install. And i start smb and everthing seems alright. 
When i testes my old smb.conf with smbclient on this way: 

smbclient //server/michael -U michael

it makes the following error:

failed session setup

When i testes my configuration with:

smclient -L SERVER -N

the server show me the folling output

Added interface ip=.... bcast=... nmask=...

	Sharname	Type	Comment

It does not show me my domain and os and server

An other question:
I can not compile the smb-wrapper. Why?

Can anyone help me

Michael Ott

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