Password server *

Kees van Veen k.v.veen at
Tue Jul 18 09:51:03 GMT 2000

Hello everybody,

Does anybody has experience with the option "PASSWORD SERVER = *"
I am running samba 2.0.7 and have a normal PDC and BDC setup. Everything
goes fine no lockouts, no
trouble no nothing, the only tiny problem I have experienced is when a
failure of my PDC occurs. When
my PDC has a Blue screen of death, the complete authentication for
logging in on my samba server goes
wrong. I used the setting pwd server =* because I see this in the help,
but the election from PDC & BDC
doesn't seem to work because the BDC was still there..

Can anyone help me out ..???
Greetz KC
k.v.veen at

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