Trying to avoid a silly question on samba-ntdom...

Jens Skripczynski jens.skripczynski at
Mon Feb 21 16:25:26 GMT 2000

Jeff Waugh:
> Hi there,
> You seem fairly active on the samba-ntdom list (which I've been
> reading the archives for), and quite helpful to newbies...
> I'm not entirely sure the first part of this question is relevant
> to ntdom, so I thought I'd ask. Hopefully, you'll have time to
> respond.
> I want to switch to Samba to for control the domain and
> authenticate users on a small network of Win98 machines (8
> computers). The Linux box will also be used for ip_masq, Squid,
> etc.
> Once that is done, the machine will move to a more important role
> as the domain server for the entire office (about 24 machines),
> including the NT server machine which we need to keep as our
> software vendor doesn't support Samba file-serving for our core
> business app.
> Does the normal version of Samba offer PDC-like capabilities for
> Win98 clients? There seem to be references to all three versions in
> response to this question, so I'm very unsure.
Win98 has _no_ PDC funktionality in Term of Windows NT.

It only offers the possibility of an (unsecure) logon at some 
Server. Unsecure because it never saves who its PDC is, so it is
very vulneralbe to a man-in-the-middle-attack.

The next Problem is on what you refer to the "normal" version of SAMBA 
as there are currently three Branches.

Lars Kneschkes FAQ should probably answer some of your question about
this subject, what branch has what abilities.

> I've used Samba in a workgroup, and it's tops, but now I'm looking
> for a little more security. :)
With security and M$ it should be NT.


Jens Skripczynski
E-Mail: skripi at

Computers are like airconditioners: They stop working 
properly if you open windows.

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