SYSKEY, TNG freeze, 2.0.x->TNG merge and other thoughts

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at
Wed Feb 9 17:31:30 GMT 2000

> > i am curious.  what happens inside LsaOpenPolicy().  the connection is
> > anonymous, yes.  the server is running as SYSTEM context.  is it the job
> > of the _lsaopenpolicy call_ to switch to the context of the cient
> > (impersonatenamedpipeclient), or is it the job of the _msrpc hanlder_ to
> > call impersonatenamedpipeclient?
> > 
> It's the job of every call that wants to impersonate.  The msrpc part
> of it handles marshalling and making sure that there's a token there
> to impersonate, should the server want to.  It's entirely up to the
> server to call RpcImpersonateClient(), and then RpcRevertToSelf() when
> it's done.

excellent!  thank you for clarifying.

hmm, now i wonder what i should do...

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