Joining a domain

Paul J Collins pjdc at
Tue Aug 1 19:52:05 GMT 2000

>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Meyer <Ben_Meyer at> writes:

    Ben> When joining a domain, you must add the machine to the NT PDC
    Ben> manually. Now, if you move the machine (or re-install Linux
    Ben> on the machine) and want to use the same name, must you also
    Ben> remove and re-add the machine on the NT PDC? Or can you
    Ben> simply re-establish the link with smbpasswd -r -j? Or is
    Ben> there some other way to do it?

You should remove the machine from the PDC and then add it again, as
the default machine password is assumed when joining a domain, not
whatever password it had when it left the domain.

Paul Collins <pjdc at> - - - - - - - [ A&P,a&f ]
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