Getting MACHINE.SID on a different Network

Paul J Collins pjdc at
Sat Apr 29 19:53:52 GMT 2000

>>>>> "Naseer" == Naseer Bhatti <geniusbhatti at> writes:

    Naseer> Hello, Would someone tell me how would it be posssible to
    Naseer> get the MACHINE.SID for other domains on the network ?

Try using rpcclient to connect to the domain's PDC and use the
lsaquery command.

Alternatively, go to a workstation on that domain and search the
registry for a key called ProfileList.  Find a key under it
corresponding to a user in the domain and remove the RID (the last
component of the SID) to obtain the domain's SID.


Paul Collins <sneakums at> - - - - - [ A&P,a&f ]
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